Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Been A While!!!

I'm sorry to say it's been 3 months since I last posted on here! Useless I know but my excuse is that Crystal left on her big trip with all the photos on her camera that I wanted to use. So now Christmas has come and gone and I am terribly behind in updating the happenings in the Warwick household. Rather than just forget about the last few months I thought I would gradually get this here goes!

#1 on the news agenda is that I turned the big 3 - 0. I will admit that leading up to the day I was feeling a bit depress-o about the whole getting old thing but once the day arrived it wasn't so bad. Jonathan and the kids made breakfast in bed and then I spent the afternoon shopping and getting manicures with Elle and Summer - who had just returned from BYU. Lots of people (mainly Crystal) tried to convince me to have a big party but I'm not really in to being the centre of attention so we just had dinner at home - Mexican food - and played a bit of singstar. It was nice to have Mum and Dad and Paul there after 3 years of being away ... especially because it meant I didn't have to bake my own birthday cake! Mum made the most awesome baked cheesecake ever!!! Mmmm wish I had a slice right now!

Yes, I admit, I have a slight obsession with Michael Schoffield off Prison Break ... Paul and Crystal thought they would be funny and designed me a pillow case with his photo on it.